Monday, December 8, 2008

Competing by Design or Econometric Analysis of Panel Data

Competing by Design: The Power of Organizational Architecture

Author: David Nadler

If the defining goal of modern-day business can be isolated to just one item, it would be the search for competitive advantage. And, as everyone in business knows, it's a lot harder than it used to be. On the one hand, competition is more intense than ever--technological innovation, consumer expectations, government deregulation, all combine to create more opportunities for new competitors to change the basic rules of the game. On the other hand, most of the old reliable sources of competitive advantage are drying up: the hallowed strategies employed by GM, IBM, and AT&T to maintain their seemingly unassailable positions of dominance in the 1960s and 70s are as obsolete as the calvary charge. So in this volatile, unstable environment, where can competitive advantage be found?
As David Nadler and Michael Tushman show, the last remaining source of truly sustainable competitive advantage lies in "organizational capabilities": the unique ways each orga nization structures its work and motivates its people to achieve clearly articulated strategic objectives. For too long, too many managers have thought about "organization" merely in terms of rearranging the boxes and lines on an organizational chart--but as Competing by Design clearly illustrates, organizational strength is found far beyond one-dimensional diagrams. Managers must, argue Nadler and Tushman, understand the concepts and learn the skills involved in designing their organization to exploit their inherent strengths. All the reengineering, restructuring, and downsizing in the world will merely destabilize a company if the change doesn't address the fundamental patterns of performance--and if the changedoesn't recognize the unique core competencies of that company. In this landmark volume, the authors draw upon specific cases to illustrate the design process in practice as they provide a set of powerful, yet simple tools, for using strategic organization design to gain competitive advantage. They present a design process, explore key decisions managers face, and list the guiding principles for incorporating the design function as a continuing and integral process in organizations that are looking to the future.
In 1918, Henry Ford's Dearborn assembly plant was the model of the new assembly-line technology. Today, the assembly plant is an aging relic, but, incredibly, the organizational architecture it spawned lives on in steep hierarchies, centralized bureaucracies, and narrowly defined jobs. As companies are coming to realize they can't compete successfully in the 21st century with organizations based on 19th century ideas, Competing by Design shows clearly and persuasively why--and, most importantly how--to harness the power of organizational architecture to unleash the competitive strengths embedded in each organization.

Go to: Business Essentials or Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership

Econometric Analysis of Panel Data

Author: Badi Baltagi

Written by one of the world's leading researchers and writers in the field, Econometric Analysis of Panel Data has become established as the leading textbook for postgraduate courses in panel data.  This new edition reflects the rapid developments in the field covering the vast research that has been conducted on panel data since its initial publication. Featuring the most recent empirical examples from panel data literature, data sets are also provided as well as the programs to implement the estimation and testing procedures described in the book.  These programs will be made available via an accompanying website which will also contain solutions to end of chapter exercises that will appear in the book.

The text has been fully updated with new material on dynamic panel data models and recent results on non-linear panel models and in particular work on limited dependent variables panel data models.  

Table of Contents:

2The one-way error component regression model11
3The two-way error component regression model33
4Test of hypotheses with panel data53
5Heteroskedasticity and serial correlation in the error component model79
6Seemingly unrelated regressions with error components107
7Simultaneous equations with error components113
8Dynamic panel data mo dels135
9Unbalanced panel data models165
10Special topics187
11Limited dependent variables and panel data209
12Nonstationary panels237

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